LIFE Newsweave

LIFE Newsweave

Newsweavings (series excerpt)
handwoven paper yarn and 1960’s LIFE magazines 11×14” (ongoing)

Ever present news cycles can imply everything is new, fresh, urgent. In working with LIFE magazine material from the 60’s and 70’s ongoing sagas of athletes protesting institutional racism and climate change concerns bring the cyclical reality of the news into view, in weaving them in to fresh cloth the old news is remade, illegible, but the same material.

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what I might have said

what I might have said

The drawings in what I might have said respond to a paper origami balloon I kept in my pocket over several weeks. The paper balloon functions as vessel for breath, as well as potential container for words and phrases that cannot be adequately articulated. The air in them becomes pregnant with possibility. The drawings borrow their compositions from the creases left in an unfolded balloon. The marks found in each panel are systemized codifications of text from an old book never read. The marks become asemic, suggesting story and cadence, but denying specifics. They abstract into constellations, map-like and star-like at once.

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